Vila e Artё i Tirana

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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AlbanienVila e Artё


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Rr Qemal Staf prane Prokurorise se Pergjithshme, Tirana 1001, Albania
kontakter telefon: +355 4 226 0149
internet side:
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Latitude: 41.3300676, Longitude: 19.8224553

kommentar 5

  • Dorjana Bratim Vela

    Dorjana Bratim Vela


    Hotel in centar. Veri clean, good brekfast. Staff very nice. Excellent!

  • Csaba Tóth

    Csaba Tóth


    Central location, comfort, good parking, very fine coffee.

  • en

    Arpit Parikh


    Nice hotel convenient location and good service.

  • en

    Ștefan Ispas


    Perfect location to visit the center of the city Tirana. A modern and very clean hotel, with a private parking. Was a great pleasure for us to take the breakfast in the garden of the hotel. Very good food with very convenient price Ermal, the hotel manager, and all staff in the hotel have had a kind attitude for us. I recommend this hotel for all tourists who want to visit Tirana city or transit Albania. Ştefan

  • vjollca dinaj

    vjollca dinaj


    Good services, good food . It offers you good prices

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