SALUS Spitali Italian - Tirana i Tiranë

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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AlbanienSALUS Spitali Italian - Tirana



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16, Rruga Vidhe Gjata, 1000, Tiranë, Tiranë, AL Albania
kontakter telefon: +355 4 239 0500
internet side:
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Latitude: 41.3411181, Longitude: 19.7608852

kommentar 5

  • it

    Blerina Marra


    Ho avuto una esperienza con mia madre a Marzo 2018 a mio parere non soddisfacente.Al telefono mi hanno dato informazioni diverse da quello che poi ho riscontrato al mio arrivo in ospedale.

  • AMS AL

    AMS AL


    you know that online customer reviews are very influential.

  • Andrew Garcia

    Andrew Garcia


    Worst hospital, what hospital doesn't have an emergency room? Today I had a deep laceration that happened down the street from Salus, I limped there bleeding. When I got there I was shown no sympathy, and turned away by the receptionist. This place has no heart.

  • fabjan resulaj

    fabjan resulaj


    Best hospital in Albania Shqiperia ka nje spital bashkohor dhe staf shume serioz dhe profesional😊🌟 Jeni me te miret ne Shqiperi Jua sugjeroj te gjitheve qe cdo vizite ta bejne te Salus , do mbeteni te mahnitur😊

  • Stephan-Angelica Johnsen

    Stephan-Angelica Johnsen


    Very clean and professional. I only spoke English and there were no issues whatsoever with that. Prices are reasonable for the quality, you probably won't go here to save money, but you will feel very comfortable with the service they provide. There was a slight lack of communication where i thought i would be there like 2 hours but i guess they had planned for me to stay almost the whole day, but they took very good care of me through it all. And i probably would have known more if i had asked more specific questions to the doctors themselves instead of the nurses who apparently were not totally up to speed on what was happening.

nærmeste Hospital

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