Rooms Emiliano i Krujë

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AlbanienRooms Emiliano


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Rruga Kala Kruje, Krujë, Albania
kontakter telefon: +355 67 252 0929
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Latitude: 41.507398, Longitude: 19.795408

kommentar 5

  • en

    Noa Beckmann


    - breathtaking view from the hotel located on top of the castle hill - you can get a miniature house for yourself with just a bed and a bathroom - traditional menu to try different meals offered at a good price - talkative and helpful staff - bit hard to reach, just ignore the sign that forbids you to pass during daytime

  • Natalia Mroszczyk

    Natalia Mroszczyk


    Unique rooms situated in the castle. Polite and friendly service.

  • en

    Rakshith Akki


    The best hospitality, the great treditonal Albanian food and the awesome castle view.👌

  • Mary Huber

    Mary Huber


    Just stopped in for lunch. Hospitality was exceptional and food really tasty. Glad to have stumbled on this place!

  • Endri Lacaj

    Endri Lacaj


    It was a very nice place to stay inside the Castle of Kruja. The room was very clean and the homemade dinner was very tasty with a reasonable price. I hope I will be back again.

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