Hotel Apollon i Sarandë

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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AlbanienHotel Apollon


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Mitat Hoxha, Sarandë, AL Albania
kontakter telefon: +355 85 226 399
internet side:
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Latitude: 39.8712273, Longitude: 19.9949026

kommentar 5

  • en

    linnea smedler


    Beautiful view Helpful staff, receptionist spoke various languages which seems rare in Albania.

  • en

    Mark Lestrange


    Great hotel at a great price.staff were very helpful.

  • sonila hajderasi

    sonila hajderasi


    Superb location, fronting the beach and the island of Corfu across. It is a family run hotel and they are very hospitable and all speak English. Good food and restaurant is reasonable priced. Recommended to catch the sunset on the terrace of their restaurant.

  • Júlia Vujovits

    Júlia Vujovits


    Nice rooms and restaurant, helpful staff. The sea is very close but the beach is too crowded. If you want a good place for the day you better go down early morning to reserve.

  • Genci Koroveshi

    Genci Koroveshi


    Great hotel! I am writing this review as I am still here I just wanted to thank the front desk girl and who I think is the owner or manager for going above and beyond to make our stay truly a unforgettable experience! The rooms are really clean and very specious. There is great views from the balcony as well! Great location!

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