Flower Shop Tirana i Tiranë

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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AlbanienFlower Shop Tirana



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141, Rruga Fortuzi, 1001, Tiranë, Tiranë, AL Albania
kontakter telefon: +355 4 223 8176
internet side: flowershoptirana.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 41.3309103, Longitude: 19.8126192

kommentar 4

  • en

    Kazz handyman


    Very professional company. We ordered from ny and the delivered in Tirane Al, . Everything was done thru email. Executed my order last minute and precisely the way i wanted. Thank you Luan, will certainly be using your company again. I highly recommend this company for all your floral needs

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    Valjeta Prela


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    Abigail Platts


    Amazing service, really beautiful flowers. I asked for the impossible and they made it possible without compromising on quality. I could not recommend them enough. They were polite, courteous and beyond professional. There English language is better than most native English people. I wish I could give them more stars. A truly first class service.

  • en

    Charles Ford


    This place was great. I ordered flowers from Mr. Ahmetaj to be delivered to a hotel in Tirana. I was in the United States at the time but was able to call, order the exact flowers I want to, and have them delivered and less than 24 hours. The flowers were beautiful! I would highly recommend this company.

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