Camping Legjenda. (Shkoder, Albania) i Shkodër

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AlbanienCamping Legjenda. (Shkoder, Albania)



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Road "Agron 1" 4001 Shkoder Albania, Shkodër, Albania
kontakter telefon: +355 69 650 6746
internet side:
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Latitude: 42.0435886, Longitude: 19.4891917

kommentar 5

  • en

    Chris Dale


    Best value campsite and hostel. Great facilities clean shower and toilet block and its being developed all the time making it better. Gas cooking area. Super welcome clean pool. Ideal for famalies. The staff are super helpful and friendly. It has a testaurant with great value meals.Get here before everyone knows about it.

  • en

    Aleksandra Osuch


    Great camping, everything is clean and beautifully done. Amazing restaurant with gorgeous garden and delicious food. Swimming pool is a huge asset. Owners are The nicest People, very helpfull.

  • Randy Berka

    Randy Berka


    Albania is still building its camper tourism, but Camping Legjenda is quickly becoming the model on how a good camp site should be run and what it should offer. With a friendly staff, well versed in several languages, kindness, history, culture and sponteneous entertainment, Camping Legjenda really impressed us when they hosted our group. Make sure to visit it when driving through Shkodra!

  • Brieanne Berry

    Brieanne Berry


    We had a great stay at Camping Legjenda. The room was clean and comfortable, and the grounds were nice to walk around and explore. We also ate at the restaurant - the food was good and there were quite a few vegetarian options. The best part about Camping Legjenda might be its proximity to the Razafa Castle, which is about a 15 or 20 minute walk. The castle is beautiful and you can see it from Camping Legjenda. It's not so close to downtown Shkoder, but if you're going to explore the castle or just stop through on your way to somewhere else, this is a great spot to do it.

  • Jochen Leuf

    Jochen Leuf


    Super friendly family owned campground close to castle and city center Very quite! One of the best restaurants in Albania. We were welcomed as friends, not only as tourists. Highly recommended.

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