Tirana International Hotel & Conference Center i Tiranë

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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AlbanienTirana International Hotel & Conference Center



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8, Sheshi Skënderbej, Tiranë, Tiranë, AL Albania
kontakter telefon: +355 4 223 4185
internet side: tiranainternational.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 41.3298994, Longitude: 19.8186033

kommentar 5

  • en

    Titi Vladi


    Great place very helpful staff great location highly recommended to everyone

  • Arevik Kozdroń

    Arevik Kozdroń


    Classic style of rooms make this a great hotel. Whether your in town for work or business its conveniently located less than 20 km from the airport. Lots of food options at breakfast and front desk and servers are friendly.

  • en

    Adam Nikshiqi


    Perfectly located at the center of Tirana. I know this hotel since 2007 and the quality of the service stays permanently high.I especially like the breakfast. The buffet offers good selection of cheeses, sausages, jams and fruits. But my favourites are the French toust and pancakes.

  • Anthony Horrobin

    Anthony Horrobin


    The location of this hotel is great and the common areas are very swanky. We felt the hotel rooms let the property down though as these were quite dated and incredibly noisy (we had a room at the back overlooking the room). The air conditioning didn't work in the room so we had to open the window to let in some breeze but this then resulted in us being unable to sleep due to the noise. Was quite a disappointing stay. Breakfast here was plentiful and served in a rather grand dining room. Definite room for improvement here.

  • Miroslav Kranjc

    Miroslav Kranjc


    Quite large hotel, with centrally located position in Tirana. Conference facilities are capable of holding reasonably large events. Rooms are clean and well maintained, but not very large. My room had also a small niche with desk (room was located at the end of corridor). Breakfast is good, but variety could be improved. Staff is very helpful. I was not at SPA or pool areas (but they are included in price). WiFi coverage is good in the room, conference and dining areas, but speed is sometimes a bit limited (max 5 up/2 down Mb/s). Front side of the hotel, facing to the square, had concerts in the evening and back side is facing busy street. But sound insulation is good enough, so one can get some beauty sleep.

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