Hotel Kristal i Durrës

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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AlbanienHotel Kristal



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L.1 Rruga Taulantia Durrës,Albania, Durrës 2001, Albania
kontakter telefon: +355 68 241 7291
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Latitude: 41.310575, Longitude: 19.44013

kommentar 5

  • Apostolos Kaknis

    Apostolos Kaknis


    Looks good but many things are totally wrong. The ceiling was destroyed from humidity and chips of plaster felt to the bed. The toilet was full of remainings from previous guests (the flush was out of order), the TV had only Albanian channels, the mini bar was empty, lot of disturbing sounds from other guests was keep me awake, the wifi password was not written somewhere in the room, and the most important was the lack of elevator! Thank God the receptionist assisted me with my heavy luggage till the 4th floor. But seems funny in 21st century a hotel not being equipped with a lift! In General the room seemed to be renowned recently with nice IKEA style furniture and curtains. They can do more

  • Vincenzo Bini

    Vincenzo Bini


    Very nice!

  • Enton Qesari

    Enton Qesari


    Good pricing and location, rooms needs more attention

  • en

    A Google User


    Good prices lower than others normal service

  • Andrea Čierna

    Andrea Čierna


    Great view from the room and the balcony, I could lay in the bed in early morning and watch the sea, it was amazing. Prices are very affordable, the staff did not speak English but did their best.I was very satisfied.

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